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Who are we?

Our values


Generosity : The Association was created to help the most underprivileged populations in the village of Kanji and its surroundings. It provides access to quality education at the Saint Antony school and provides school fees for the poorest children. In addition, she welcomes girls whose families cannot support themselves at Home Shanti Lumine.


Selflessness : Our volunteers invest completely free of charge in their personal time. Thus our operating costs represent between 1 and 2% of our revenue. 98% of the funds collected thus reach the two Kanji institutions.


Trust : It is built over time and has never been denied. During our site visits we control the use of our funds and the realization of our projects. They have always been in line with commitments.


Tolerance : Our association is apolitical and non-denominational in agreement with the Saint Antony Foundation and prohibits any discrimination.


Humility : We are constantly confronted with a way of thinking that challenges our Western outlook and that can confuse us. We are constantly learning not to impose our attitudes and ideas.


Our identity

Our operating mode

Finance and management



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