Help us
Donate / Sponsor a child
Your donation provides access to education for the most disadvantaged children.
The green form button below allows you to make a one-time donation for the amount you want.
It also allows you to sponsor a child for an entire year: the cost of sponsorship for a child from Saint Antony is 240 euros and 360 euros for a child from Shanti Lumin.
Your donation will provide you a tax deduction. We will send you a proof of payment.
The cost distibution is as follows:
1. The funding of the education of a poor child at the Saint Antony school amounts to 0.66 euro per day. This covers:
Scholarship fees
the uniforms
school supplies and transportation
the cafeteria
school expenses relating to the sponsored child
2. The funding for the stay of an orphan or a deprived child at Shanti Lumin amounts to one euro per day. This covers:
accommodation costs
scholarship fees
medical care
Thank you for making a difference for these children.